Control wallpapers for 4K, 1080p HD and 720p HD resolutions and are best suited for Desktops, android phones, tablets, ps4 wallpapers, wide-screen displays, laptops, iPad and iPhone/iPod Touch.
Control is a brand new IP coming out from Remedy Entertainment, the same developers who brought out Max Payne, Alan Wake, and Quantum Break. This latest title focuses on a character named Jesse Faden, who is the new director of the Federal Bureau of Control which is a secret agency that is tasked with the investigation of supernatural phenomena. Much like past IPs from the studio, this is still a third-person action-adventure title with just single-player in-mind.
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Control 4K Wallpaper | Control 1080p Wallpaper | Control 720p Wallpaper

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Control 4K Wallpaper | Control 1080p Wallpaper | Control 720p Wallpaper

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Control 4K Wallpaper | Control 1080p Wallpaper | Control 720p Wallpaper

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Control 4K Wallpaper | Control 1080p Wallpaper | Control 720p Wallpaper