Jumanji was a beloved movie franchise since it first released in the early 1990s. However, it was recently picked back up and rebooted featuring a new cast of characters that dealing with a supernatural board game. In the 2017 reboot of Jumanji, the board game turned into a video game and it seems that this in-game world from the film will be the basis of the upcoming title. Again, from going off the reboot film, four characters get sucked into a video game world and must complete the campaign in order to escape back to their normal reality.
It seems that this upcoming video game will be based around the film characters. Each will likely have their own unique attributes and chances are there will be a cooperative game mode focused campaign. Unfortunately, as it stands right now, there isn’t too much to go off on. We only have a small teaser to showcase the game title which is simply Jumanji: The Video Game and it appears that it will likely play some type of role of what gamers can expect with the upcoming Jumanji film sequel that is slated to release in December of this year.
While it certainly will be looking to take the characters we’re used to seeing now from the franchise into the video game, we’re still waiting to see what the narrative will be about and gameplay footage. With that said, we do know that Jumanji: The Video Game will be launching for the PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch platforms.
Source: Polygon