In the latest inFAMOUS: Second Son video, the team at Sucker Punch explains the process to developing Delsin's powers.
With Delsin's new superpowers not following Cole MacGrath's electricity, inFAMOUS: Second Son immediately became a different kind of game. Delsin uses his smoke superpowers while also taking the powers of other conduits around him.
So since Delsin uses smoke, he can't absorb smoke from obvious sources like Cole. Cole used junction boxes, car batteries and even lamps posts to absorb and recharge his electricity. For Delsin, he will need to rely on fires, explosions and even cars. But to take smoke from cars, Delsin must first destroy the car.
So with the improved hardware, Sucker Punch can better portray Delsin's dashing and dematerializing with the new particle effects. For faster traversal, Delsin can rush through chimneys and smoke vents to quickly rocket into the air.
inFAMOUS: Second Son will launch exclusively on the PS4 in the first quarter of 2014.