The latest update for Dota 2 has added the Skywrath Mage character as well as a host of other improvements.
The mage's abilities are Arcane Bolt, Concussive Shot, Ancient Seal and Mystic Flare and PCGamersN report he's a very powerful character indeed. Valve have also added the 'Downloaded' tab which allows you to play all recorded games at once, whereas formerly you were only able to view them from the match report.
The Community improvements made to the game include stricter voice and text bans for abusive players, seen a reduction in the number of weekly reports to four, removed the ability of spectators to report players in-game and reports now only allow for a single type of behaviour to be selected.
In gameplay terms there have been changes made to Beastmaster, who now no longer loses his vision following a second casting, a fix to the Lich's Frost Armor auto-casting, corrected a Timberchain issue which saw the character travelling too fast and not latching far enough, among other improvements.
Bots now know to avoid standing in Ice Path and Macropyre and you can preview your Steam Workshop models in-game, on a local server.
For a full run-down of the changes made to the game head over here.