In the world of spin-offs, there are few titles that could actually stand up to their larger, main-entry releases. It’s the same story with Assassin’s Creed Duel, as many are speculating that the game has been canned.
While these determinations are based purely off of conjecture, we wouldn’t be surprised if they were right. An Assassin’s Creed fighter sounds tempting from a mechanical level, because players have such a wide array of tools and weapons to utilize. However, one look at the series’ cast of characters and you realize that the only two stand-out combatants are Ezio and Altair. The obvious red flag here is that Connor, Assassin Creed III’s main character, is missing in action. Some of the off-series characters that were going to be in the game included: Prince of Persia, Rayman and Drake from Sony’s popular Uncharted series.
Should the game still be in development, unlikely as it is, it’ll probably be developed by a third-party studio. With Ubisoft engaging in its new annual release plan for the main Assassin’s Creed series, it’s a safe bet that they don’t want to allocate their resources into efforts that will take away from that.
While this likely puts the final nail in this game’s veritable coffin, we were intrigued by the idea. Maybe by some miracle we will see the title hanging around Xbox LIVE’s Arcade and Sony’s Playstation Network, where it was originally supposed to release. For now, the game is set to remain in oblivion.