A new Kickstarter campaign (shared on Reddit) aims to raise funds for a documentary that will explore “the queer side of gaming and LGBTQ presence in the game industry”. The feature-length documentary will be called Gaming in Color, and will focus on the challenges faced by those in minority groups and women, who despite not being a minority still undeniably suffer prejudice.
The film won't just look at the negative aspects, however. Under the title “A Spectrum of Gamers”, the team emphasises that things are definitely better for these groups now than they used to be:
“Things have come a long way and these communities are now seeing some breakthroughs. That is one of the reasons why we want this film to be made now. We want to be there through the triumphs in the gaming world so that we can capture these moments and preserve them in time.”
If this sounds like the kind of thing you'd be interested in watching, or even if you just want to show your support for a project that embraces diversity, the campaign has various rewards to tempt you into handing over as little as $5. You can get your name/gamertag on the project website, receive a digital or DVD copy of the documentary, get yourself a bundle of games by various Queer developers, and a bunch of other stuff.
The more money the campaign raises, the more content the documentary will include. The project only launched yesterday and has already raised half of its $50,000 goal, so it looks like it'll be big once more people find out about it.
Would you watch a documentary like this?