Season One of The Walking Dead, the episodic adventure game from Telltale Games, will come to PlayStation Vita this year. The news comes from IGN, who recently interviewed a guy called Don Mesa with a really long title (Director of Product Planning and Platform Software Innovation) about the Vita.
“Having [a studio] like Telltale, a very successful indie developer, coming in to support us sends a strong message,” Mesa says in the interview, before he goes on to discuss the “immersive experiences” players will be able to have with the game on the go. Are you ready to experience “shock or fright” at the bus stop? Well, you'd better be.
The Walking Dead: Season One is just one of “more than 100 games” that Mesa has told IGN will come to the Vita in 2013, which is good news for anyone who owns the console. It hasn't exactly sold well so far, and the lack of games is surely a contributing factor.
Of course, The Walking Dead is not the only indie title the Vita will see this year. We already learned earlier today that Thomas Was Alone will also launch on the handheld console alongside the PS3 on April 24. It'll even be free for PlayStation Plus members to download.
Given the lack of support from AAA developers (though Assassin's Creed III: Liberation did relatively well) indie developers could save the Vita from an untimely death. What indie games would you like to see brought to the console?