Narrative-powered adventure Anamorphine is Artifact 5’s attempt to broach the complexities of post-traumatic denial. It’s a heavy subject, but protagonist Tyler acts like a key that unlocks the inner mechanisms of guilt; when his wife Elena is overcome by depression, it’s your job to navigate between memories, uncover secrets, and help him confront troubling emotions before they consume his mind entirely.
To date, Anamorphine has collected a number of awards including Best Art and Experimental Digital Game at the Boston Festival of Indie Games 2016, and Best Storytelling at Game Connection America 2017.
The teaser trailer gives very little away, but Anamorphine seems to be built upon hallucinations that represent Tyler’s feelings. Players can dive into these combat free environments at their own pace, slowly revisiting the milestones of a relationship that’s weathered by the indiscriminate touch of mental illness.
Artifact 5 will be bringing Anamorphine along to IndieCade, which takes place in Los Angeles from October 6-8.
Anamorphine will make its debut this winter for PC, PlayStation 4, PSVR, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.