Degica Games returns to the mecha anime scene with Senko no Ronde 2, its sublime blend of shmup and fighting genres. Now available through Steam and PlayStation 4, Senko no Ronde 2 puts you in charge of mecha pilots called Rounders as they engage in melee infused, bullet-hell battles against the backdrop of futuristic arenas.
Springing forth from the Japanese arcades of yesteryear, the Senko no Ronde series transitioned from Xbox 360 to Steam, where the sequel now features an online battle mode and full HD, DUO story mode that players can enjoy.
Your task is to face-off against different opponents, defend yourself with a few deliberate, well-timed dashes, and hopefully, defeat them with a tantalising mix of bullets and fighting. A total of six game modes are available: arcade, online/offline battle, score attack, practice, and DUO story mode.
Curious but not ready to fully invest? Check out the demo on PS4 free of charge.
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