The latest installment of the Star Wars: Battlefront franchise, known as Star Wars: Battlefront II was officially revealed to the world last week. For the most part, DICE looks as if they will deliver fans an addictive gameplay experience along with the attached feature of a campaign mode.
While the latest installment of the franchise is giving fans an campaign mode which was something highly requested by gamers, multiplayer gameplay is still the center focus. Star Wars: Battlefront II will take players across a number of different eras with plenty of cameos of past heroes and villains from the Star Wars franchise.
It’s likely you’ll be interested in jumping into a game with a friend or two. Not only is online multiplayer an option but DICE has also included a split-screen functionality which can allow offline co-op. The catch is gamers will have to be playing the video game on a console version.
A recent report from Xbox Wire has alerted readers that the upcoming Star Wars: Battlefront II video game will have an offline co-op option that’s exclusive to consoles. This means if you’re playing the title on your PC then you’ll be forced to enjoy the video game alone or connect with friends online.
Will this lack of a feature on the PC platform ultimately sway you to pass on Star Wars: Battlefront II on the PC? Let us know by leaving us a comment down below. In the meantime, take a look at the official trailer for Star Wars: Battlefront II up above along with the game gallery down below.