The launch for Diablo 4‘s early access hasn’t been as smooth as some fans hoped all thanks to an aggravating error code. The ‘Unable To Find Valid License‘ Error is popping up on all platforms, preventing players from getting into the game — even after a lengthy queue wait. The error code is being worked on by Blizzard as we speak, so this problem might not last for long. Even so, players have found a way to avoid the issue altogether and start playing immediately — at least, it works on PS4 and PS5.
Learn more about the Diablo 4 early access launch right here. The standard edition is launching on June 6th — while players that pre-ordered the Digital Deluxe and Ultimate Editions gained access on June 2nd for all platforms. That’s a huge jump ahead, and naturally players are going to want to squeeze every extra minute out of the launch weekend. If you’re sick of waiting, you might want to try a simple trick below.
How To Fix The Code 315306 Error | Unable To Find Valid License
This trick was tested by us but first appeared on the r/Diablo 4 reddit. The ‘Unable To Find Valid License‘ is appearing on all platforms, popping up while players attempt to queue to access the game at launch. After the message appears, the queue will reset after attempting to login. No matter how long the timer appears on the login screen, it will always reset and try again. Some players are stuck in a seemingly endless loop. But, there might be a weird way to fix it.
- How To Fix: On PS4 / PS5, access the PSN Store while in-game. Downloading a free product / purchasing DLC for Diablo 4 will seemingly fix the problem. Beginning a download on a PS+ title has pushed some players through the invalid license error message.
- The same issue could be resolved on Xbox One / Series X — while we’ve been unable to test on other platforms, the same trick may work. Try beginning a download on a Xbox Game Pass title while in-game, or initiate then launch Diablo 4.
NOTE: We’ll update this space if a PC fix is found.
The problem IS being investigated by Blizzard, who are currently working on login issues — as of the time of writing, a pop-up message on Battle.net and in-game explains the situation. Hopefully an official fix will be coming very, very soon. Until then, if you’re plagued by this issue, you’ll want to try this simple fix.