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Space is very much the final frontier for humanity as it stands right now, and we very much dream of going to the stars and seeing what it has to offer us. If you want to experience that in game form? We have 15 games here for you to look at.
#15 Astroneer

Let’s start out with Astroneer, a simple yet very fun title where you’ll get to go to a set of planets with the goal of terraforming it to your hearts content. That’s right, the planet will be your playground as you’ll have a tool that’ll allow you to work above the ground or below it in order to get things to where you want to be.
The 7 planets that you’ll find yourself with access to will ensure that you have a fresh experience on each time. So go and make one planet one way, and then, turn around and go a different direction with another planet! It’s all up to you.
#14 LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

It almost wouldn’t feel like a worthy list without a Star Wars game here, and we actually have two to talk about. First up, for those who want a more lighthearted experience through space there is LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.
This game combines the previous titles that were made into one experience and even updates them to ensure that it feels fresh. You’ll get to go through the nine main movies of the franchise and see the “LEGO Version” of the stories.
Play as a variety of characters both Jedi and non, as well as fly high in epic space battles! The galaxy “far, far away” will never feel closer.
#13 Star Trek Online

The reason space is the “final frontier” is because that’s what Star Trek labeled it, and it stuck. Now, in Star Trek Online, you can set your own journey amongst the stars as you captain your own ship in grand adventures.
But whom will you be a captain for? You’ll have multiple options from classic races in the series beyond just the humans of the Federation.
Not to mention, the game is free to play up to level 65, and there are well over 150 story chapters for you to partake in that’ll guarantee you lots of action and exploration.
So set a course for fun, and then engage!
#12 Outer Wilds

Not to be confuse with another game we’ll talk about soon enough, Outer Wilds is an award-winning video game that feature you trying to explore a massive solar system that just so happens to be stuck in a time loop.
Yep, every time you venture out you’ll have a time limit to try and figure things out. Then, you’ll start back at the beginning, mostly. Because changes you make in one part of your loop will carry over at times to the next one. Opening up deeper exploration options and situations for you.
Can you find a way to stop the loop? What is on all these mysterious planets that await you? Jump in and find out!
#11 Kerbal Space Program

The Kerbal Space Program is a very popular game for reasons that can only be explained by those who have played it. So we’ll focus on just describing the game here, ok?
You are in charge of the Kerbals, a race of…well, they’re Kerbals. They want to go space and explore it and it’s your job to help with that. You’ll guide them from the early days of their space program all the way to space itself as they expand, setup colonies and stations, and more.
But it won’t be easy. You’ll have to do some real strategic planning and such in order to get them where they need to go and not just…well…kill them in the process.
#10 Star Wars The Old Republic

See? Told you there’d be another Star Wars game on this list.
Star Wars The Old Republic is a Bioware MMORPG that is set in the same time period of which their beloved Knights of the Old Republic was set in.
This is the age where the Jedi and Sith war was in full effect, and you’ll see plenty of both as characters love to be them. But, you’ll also get to be non-Force-wielding people and go on journeys across the stars and different planets in order to make a name for yourself in your own way.
Hero or villain, pilot or criminal, human or Wookie or Twi’lek and so on. The choice is yours.
#9 The Cycle Frontier

We’ll admit, space exploration in The Cycle Frontier isn’t as grand as the other titles. But the gameplay loop that you have will keep you entertained.
You see, you’ll be on the planet known as Fortuna III, and you’re there with one goal: to get rich. Yep, there are a bunch of valuable items on this planet and many people are out to get it. If you’re sensing a catch, you’re a smart person.
You see, there are creatures on this planet that won’t mind killing you on sight. As well as people who would love to steal your earnings at the last minute.
So get in, get out, and claim your bounty! Or die trying.
#8 Universe Sandbox

There are a lot of games that allow you be a “god-like figure” in terms of how you control people, buildings, and even planets to a certain degree. But Universe Sandbox will literally allow you to be a god by actually creating, and then destroying, entire universes. Not that you’d be the kind of person that would like to destroy whole universes on a whim, right?
Anyway, you’ll have full control of the vastness of space and get to dive deep in the process of creation, alternation, destruction, and everything in between.
Want to see a planet collide with another? You can do that. Want to see a supernova being born? Do it! It’s your universe, do with it what you will.
#7 Rebel Galaxy

Rebel Galaxy makes no bones about the fact that you’re on the fringes of space with a lot of races and characters that prefer action-packed good times and bad, and throws you right into it.
You’ll play as the captain of a powerful ship, and then set yourself off into the galaxy to fight, trade, explore, and more.
You’ll get to choose who you truly are and how you’re going to be, and as a result, there’s going to be a lot to do. Oh, and there are tons of planets to explore and secrets to find within them, or plenty of bad guys to fight with your ship!
Roam the galaxy and see what finds you.
#6 Space Engineers

If you want to actually feel like you’re going through space and earning it, then try out Space Engineers. This is a physics-based game in many respects where you’ll get to build your own ships and vehicles to traverse space, and as a result, have a true hand in your own adventures.
The team even made sure that it felt plausible to go and do certain things and build certain things. Basing a lot of the technology off of what NASA has right now and just “fast forwarding” a little bit to give players what they need to make “real spaceships”.
Either way, build your ship, go to planets and explore them, harvest them for resources, and more!
#5 Destiny 2

There are a lot of people who enjoyed Destiny 2 from the moment that it came out. Bungie set out to make a sci-fi epic and most would agree that they did just that. Yes, they had some bumps along the way, but hey, it’s worked out in the end, right?
Plus, they’re continuing to expand the planets you can go to via the DLC. Such as with the upcoming DLC where you’ll be able to go to a Cyberpunk-style city that’s apparently set on Neptune!
So seek out what you will get to do in Destiny 2 and have a good time with fellow players as you do.
#4 Elite Dangerous

If you’re seeking out a “sprawling space epic”, then Elite Dangerous is one of the titles that you should definitely have on your radar. After all, the game is set within the entirety of the Milky Way Galaxy. You know, a place with billions of star systems within it?
You’ll start your journey with just a ship and a set of credits and then will start your own quest to make yourself into whoever you want to be.
With so many players in the game you’ll witness the changes in the title over time, and with so much to do and explore, you’ll never be bored.
#3 The Outer Worlds

Made from the evil masterminds over at Obsidian Entertainment, The Outer Worlds is a hilarious and unique take on the space RPG.
Mainly because it’s set in an alternate timeline where corporations now rule the world and the planets outside of it. Wait, are we sure that’s an alternate timeline?
Anyway, you awaken after a cryo slumber on a colony that needs your help in a big way. But whether you help them, hinder them, or just ignore them and explore the planets that are in the game is up to you. The title has a lot of things to enjoy from the story, to the weapons you can use, the places to explore, and more.
Plus, the game is getting a sequel.
#2 No Man’s Sky

Given that this is a list about space exploration, it does feel appropriate that we’re talking about a gaming title that apparently has 18 quintillion planets for you to go and explore.
The good news for you is that unlike when No Man’s Sky launched, you honestly have more of a reason to go and explore them. Because at first, the game was pretty barren and boring in terms of what you could do with exploration and what you find on the worlds. But now? It’s a much more expansive experience, and if you give it a try, you might just be surprised on what you see.
Plus, you can actually play it with friends now!
#1 EVE Online

Our No.1 title is quite aptly the “#1 Space MMO” out there right now, and that of course is EVE Online.
The game boasts a lot of things, not the least of which is 7000 solar systems to go and explore and make various changes to. Yes, we said you can change things in EVE Online because that’s honestly one of their biggest gameplay hooks. You will be able to alter the course of history by your actions both large and small.
The game has been alive for over 20 years and the player changes can be seen and felt depending on where you are.
So choose your path, and see where your journey takes you!