Fortnite Chapter 3: Season 3 has various fish, each with their own benefits such as health and shields. The Zero Point Fish is unique as it allows you to temporarily dash through the air.
A Fortnite challenge requires you to deal 100 damage to an opponent within ten seconds of dashing with a Zero Point Fish. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about the fish and dashing, so you are well equipped to tick off the challenge from your list.
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How to get a Zero Point Fish in Fortnite
There’s a couple of ways in which you can get your hands on a Zero Point Fish. The first is by using a Fishing Rod or a Harpoon Gun at the various Fishing Holes that are dotted around the island. The Zero Point Fish is quite rare, so you may have to spend some time fishing before you find one. In addition, you can search freezers as they drop fish when opened. If you are lucky enough, you could get a Zero Point Fish much faster.
Once you have consumed the Zero Point Fish, you’ll be able to dash. All you need to do is jump and quickly press the jump button again while you’re in the air. This will allow you to dash forward and you’ll be able to repeat this until the effect of the fish runs out.
In order to complete the challenge, consume the fish when an enemy is close by and use the dash to your advantage and deal as much damage as possible. An alternate method is to take your Zero Point Fish to Rocky Reels and challenge the Mancake NPC to a duel. You can then complete the Fortnite Zero Point Fish challenge by dashing during your battle with Mancake. Once you have dealt 100 damage and the challenge has been marked as complete, you’ll earn 15,000 XP for your efforts.