MultiVersus is the new platform fighter that sees many of the most popular characters tied to Warner Bros. battling it out in a Smash-like arena. While the game itself is free to play, this means that you will need to purchase each individual character with either in-game currency that you can get from playing the game or that you buy with real money. Even if you don’t put any money down, you will have a small selection of characters that you will get for free, though these characters change as the game continues into its lifespan. This system of changing free characters is known as the Free Character Rotation and it might cause some confusion in players who don’t understand it. Luckily I am here to fully explain it! This guide will explain how the Free Character Rotation works in MultiVersus.
Free Character Rotation Explained in MultiVersus
The way that the Free Character Rotation works is that there are four characters that are unlocked for all players for free. This gives you the chance to play with these characters and see how you feel playing with them without having to commit by putting money down. At the time of writing, the first set of free characters in the Open Beta are Superman, Garnet, Reindog, and Finn the Human.

The rotation part of the Free Character Rotation will come every other week as the list of four free characters will be swapped with another four characters, locking the previous list (unless you spend Gold of Gleamium to permanently unlock them). This means that you will get a chance to experiment with a new set of free characters every other week. This gives people the chance to still play the game for free but not feel locked into just the same four characters forever.
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