Skulls – Metal Gear Solid V
Players new to Metal Gear Solid V can be blindsided by the Skulls, a group of four nasty super soldiers who you encounter in Mission 6. The game doesn’t give you much warning that the fight’s coming, and if you haven’t brought the right gear, the fight can be really hard. They don’t go down to your tranq darts, so it’s important to bring along weapons that do as much damage as possible. The Skulls will split up, help each other when you’ve injured them, and summon zombie soldiers to harass you while you’re looking for a good line of sight. They are probably most annoying for non-lethal players, though – guides online say that if you’re trying to do a non-lethal playthrough, don’t bother even trying to fight the Skulls. They’re that annoying.
And then there's also the male variety.