The PlayStation 5 is a convenient console that is more geared toward digital downloads. In fact, there is even an all-digital version of the console with no disc drive. With the convenience of buying online games from the store, you’re bound to find yourself with quite a few digital titles sooner or later. Over time you are going to find yourself downloading a lot of content, whether it be a game or DLC, so how do you check what’s currently in your download queue?
Where Can I See Current Downloads on PlayStation 5?
You can check what games, updates, apps, or DLC you have downloading at any time while on your PlayStation 5. Here is how to view what you currently have downloading.
- Press the PlayStation button on your controller.
- Go over to downloads and press X.
- Your whole list of currently downloading titles will pop up.
- If you are having trouble with a title, go to errors to see the reason the download failed.
You can go to each title and press X to interact with it. This allows you to pause the download or even delete it. This gives you the power to control what is downloading first and to stop a download that you might have anciently started.
How do I Redownload Games and DLC on PlayStation 5?
If you need to redownload a game, simply go to your game library and search for the title. Once you find it, make sure that you are connected to the internet and press to bring up the PlayStation Store. Once there, you should see a download button in place of where the game’s price is usually shown.
If you aren’t sure whether you had a game digitally or not, check the corner of the icon while you are in your game library. If there is a disc shown, this means that it’s not a digital download.
Why Isn’t My Game or DLC Downloading on PlayStation 5?
There are quite a few reasons that you may be having trouble with a download. Here are some common issues that occur when trying to download content on the PlayStation 5 and how to fix them.
- Insufficient Space: Clear out enough room for the game when this occurs.
- Can’t Download or Copy: This is usually due to an error with your internet or the PlayStation Store. Check to make sure your internet is up and the server status for the PlayStation Store. If everything is up and running, then check to make sure you have your PlayStation 5 updated to the latest version and that your firewalls aren’t blocking games from downloading.
- Error Code CE-10005-6: This is an error that will occur when trying to get data off of a disc. If this pops up, simply take the disc out and wipe it off with a soft clean rag.
If any of these errors persist, then try restarting your system. In most cases, download errors can easily be fixed by following the solutions above.
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