Final Fantasy 14 has plenty of classes for you to work on if you are tired of fighting. The crafting classes allow you to make items that are usually in high demand in the game, like the potions created by learning alchemy. If you are intrested in making your own potions, then picking up the alchemy class is a good idea.
How to Unlock Alchemy in Final Fantasy 14
Unlocking alchemy is easy to do. Once you reach level 10 in a Disciple of War Magic class, head to Ul’Dah and find the alchemist guild where you will pick up the starting quest, Way of the Alchemist. In general, this is a pretty easy class to level up. Just be sure to stock up on your first few ingredients by shopping with the guild store.
How to Level Alchemy in Final Fantasy 14
Alchemy can be leveled through doing the guild questline, but you will find yourself with some major experience gaps in between quests. The fastest way to level alchemy is by heading to the Adventurer’s Guild and taking on levequests. These increase every five levels and will help you get experience points much faster than just sitting around idly crafting items will.
While the first few quests are easy to complete, you will soon find yourself having to go out and collect materials like bat wings. It’s best to look up the locations and collect these items yourself, as the market board tends to be a bit high. Luckily, many of the monsters you will need in the lower to mid-levels can easily be found around Ul’dah.
Be sure to grab some proper gear as you grow so you won’t get stuck not being able to make items.
Is Being an Alchemist Worth it in Final Fantasy 14?
Yes, all crafting classes will help you out in the long run, and that includes alchemist. The alchemist class can make all types of potions that can help out in battle and are even able to make wands. In addition, this is a class that can make dyes, which are always in demand. While potions may not go for as much as gear, if you are looking to make money off of alchemy, the chance is still there.
Like most classes, an alchemist can also make house decorations that can’t be obtained through any other means in the game outside of the market board. You should always try to level up each crafting class as they all tend to cross over with each other. For example, you need specific sharks for one of the later levequests you will be doing to raise your alchemy level.
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How does the Free Trial Work in Final Fantasy 14 | How long is A Realm Reborn in Final Fantasy 14 | How to Transfer Worlds and Servers in Final Fantasy 14 | How Does the Ceremony of Eternal Bonding Work in Final Fantasy 14 | How to Glamour and Dye Clothes in Final Fantasy 14