Everyone’s favorite multitalented Pokemon is back in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Eevee can still evolve into eight different forms, taking on the characteristics of eight types to enhance her considerable power. No matter which of the Eevees you like best, you can get them all here. The evolution methods have changed (very) slightly due to the irregularities of the Hisui Region, but you’ll still be able to evolve Eevee into Leafeon, Glaceon, Jolteon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Espeon, Umbreon and Sylveon.
Before you can evolve them, you’ll have to catch an Eevee. They can be caught much earlier than normal by traveling to a specific area of the first region. You’ll have to be lucky, but they’re much more common than the alternative method — finding an Eevee in a Time-Space Distorion. Time-Space Distortion events always drop unusual Pokemon, so they’re always worth investigating if you’re filling out your Pokedex. If you’re looking for Eevee specifically, check out the guide below for details.
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How To Catch Eevee & Evolve All Forms | Eeveelution Guide
Eevee is one of the most popular Pokemon for its wide variety of evolution branches. To begin Eeveelution, you’ll need to catch an Eevee. You can catch an Eevee early in the very first region of Hisui.
- Eevee Location: Obsidian Fieldlands, Horseshoe Plains – Found east of the starting basecamp in the first region, Eevee is a rare spawn in Horseshoe Plains. Eevee will only spawn during the day.
Once you have Eevee, you can evolve her into a variety of forms. Here’s a rundown of all the Eeveelutions in Pokemon Legends: Arceus.
- Leafeon (Grass): Use a Leaf Stone.
- Glaceon (Ice): Use an Ice Stone.
- Jolteon (Electric): Use a Thunder Stone.
- Vaporean (Water): Use a Water Stone.
- Flareon (Fire): Use a Fire Stone.
- Espeon (Psychic): Complete a Study / Request in the Day with Friendship 160+.
- Umbreon (Dark): Complete a Study / Request at Night with Friendship 160+.
- Sylveon (Fairy): Complete a Study / Request with a Fairy Move in your Move Set, with Friendship 160+.
Evolution Items like Ice Stone, Thunder Stone, etc can be found as random drops in Space-Time Distortions. You can increase Friendship / Happiness (they’re the same thing) by using Eevee to collect material nodes and be fighting Pokemon battles. The more battles you win, the more Eevee’s friendship stat will increase.
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