Tired of the last boss kicking Master Chief to the curb? We’ve got a few tips to help you win — even on Legendary difficulty. Halo Infinite might be the first in the series to really embrace boss fights. You’ll face off against multiple “Spartan Killers” as you progress through the story, and even take on minibosses in the form of HVTs on the map. Each boss has special mechanics — they’re simple, but they’re still mechanics. And most of them are pretty tough. Even on Normal, these guys can crush you pretty fast.
The final boss is the toughest off all on the hardest difficulty. She spawns waves of enemies between attacks, forcing you to change your strategy on the fly. She zips around rapidly, and most guns can barely scratch her shields. If you want to take her down the fastest and easiest way possible, this is what you need to know. With the right tricks, this battle is possible. Even on Legendary.
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How To Beat The Last Boss On Legendary

The last boss of Halo Infinite is the Harbinger — a mysterious alien being that has escaped from the Zeta Halo prison. In the Silent Auditorium, you’ll face her and a small army of Banished. This is one of the hardest fights on Legendary, and these tips will work no matter what difficulty you fight her.
Before you begin, you’ll want to take note of the balcony with two Hardlight Ammo Rechargers. Grab the Sentinel Beam and the Energy Sword — any Energy Sword / Gravity Hammer will work, but the Sentinel Beam is the ideal weapon for most of this encounter.
To defeat the boss, you need to melt her shield until she collapses, then rush in to deal high-damage with melee attacks while she’s down. The Sentinel Beam is highly effect. After dealing damage, she’ll retreat and summon a wave of Banished enemies. The second wave includes multiple Elites, a Brute Chieftain, and Skimmers.
- Use the Grapple to quickly traverse the room and dodge her attacks. Stay on the upper balcony, using the Sentinel Beam when she’s far and the Energy Sword when she’s close. The Energy Sword will stagger her temporarily, so she can’t use her shock attack.
- I recommend saving the Energy Sword for the final third of the fight. You can take out her shield quickly with a handful of hits (with stagger) and defeat her at that point.
- Banished reinforcements come in two waves. The first wave comes from the left side of the arena, and the second wave comes from the right side.
- Go to the Hardlight Ammo containers and use the Sentinel Beam to rapidly melt the Elites / Chieftain. Elites will swipe to the Stalker Rifle and score 1-shot kills on you if you’re too slow. Focus on them first, along with the Skimmers.
Zip around with Grapple during the Harbinger boss phases, and take cover up on the balcony with extra Hardlight ammo with the Sentinel. Dodge her attacks until she’s open for attack with your Energy Sword (which you can absolutely destroy her with in seconds) and melee to finish this boss off. With the right simple strategy, this boss fight can be a total breeze.