Twelve Minutes is more mysterious than it first appears. You’re trapped in a Time Loop, and everything seemingly resets at the end of your time limit. But, there are a few things that actually do change subtly as you progress. You’ll have to look carefully — more than one object changes as you go through the story, but one you might not notice is the paintings. There are three paintings that change as you progress in the story, and there are achievements related to each one. If you can manage to view all the different versions of the paintings, you’ll get an achievement. And we’re going to explain how to get all three.
To unlock the different Painting achievements, you need to view all the painting variants. There are three paintings in Twelve Minutes that change — but only after certain discoveries. You need to check these paintings and see all three (or more) variants to unlock the achievements. The pictures are the poster in the bedroom, the egg in the corner of the kitchenette, and the painting over the couch. Each of these paintings will change as you progress in the story. View all the differences, and you’ll get these achievements.
More Twelve Minutes guides:
How To Find The Pocket Watch | Walkthrough Part 1 | How To Beat The Cop | Walkthrough Part 2 | How To End The Loop | Walkthrough Part 3
How To Unlock Faun | Painting Collectible Locations
The “Faun” achievement is associated with the picture in the bedroom. The poster is of a couple on a balcony. Check it after the following story events.
- Version #1: Visible from 1 loop to Loop 8. The picture depicts a couple surrounded by white flowers.
- Version #2: After at least 9 loops, this version will appear. The couple is now apart.
- Version #3: After the first Father interrogation sequence. Only the man is left, and the “monster” looms in the background.
How To Unlock Seasons | Painting Collectible Locations
The “Seasons” achievement is associated with the picture above the sofa in the living room.
- Version #1: Only visible in the first loop. Only on Loop 1.
- Version #2: Appears on Loop 2-8.
- Version #3: Appears on Loop 9+. Continues until you reach the end-game.
- Version #4: Only available after the first Father interrogation sequence.
How To Unlock Ouroboros | Painting Collectible Locations
The “Ouroboros” achievement is the trickiest and requires completing a specific ending.
- Version #1: Visible on Loop 1. Just an egg.
- Version #2: Appears after the first Father interrogation sequence. An eye appears at the top of the egg.
- Version #3: Choose to be “Alone” — in the second Father interrogation, agree to never see the daughter again. After the game resets, look at the egg painting. It is now a snake eating its own tale.