Goats are the rude (and rad) new mobs voted into Minecraft via community vote, and they’re 100% adorable.
There’s a good reason you’ll want to start up your own goat farm — goats provide milk and rare goat horns. Milk is the perfect ingredient for confections like cookies and cake, and it can be used to remove status ailments. Goat horns are harder to get, because each goat will only drop two goat horns total. Which is fine, because you only need one per player. Goat horns can be used like an instrument, playing a loud raid horn to let your allies know when there’s an alarm, or just to get hyped when you’re invading a monster-filled tomb.
Goats don’t drop meat either, so don’t even think about harvesting these jumpy boys for nourishment. The best you’ll get is milk. With the right items, you can also breed goats — and if you’re really lucky, you’ll find a screaming goat. They’re like normal goats, but they scream a lot. Who wouldn’t want one of those as a friend?
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How To Find Goats | Where Goats Spawn
Goats are exclusive to Bedrock Edition (for now) and will spawn in one of two biomes.
- Caves & Cliffs: Part 1 – Goats will spawn in the Extreme Cliffs biome.
- Caves & Cliffs: Part 2 – In December after the Part 2 update releases, goats will exclusively spawn in the Snowy Slopes sub-biome of the Mountains.
For now, goats are most likely to spawn in Extreme Cliffs. Later, they’ll only spawn in the Snow Slopes biome.

How To Breed Goats
Goats breed just like any other animals — using food on goats will make hearts appear, putting them in a “love” state. If another goat is nearby, goats will breed and generate a baby goat.
- Hold Wheat to lure a Goat to you. Then use the Wheat on an adult goat so that it enters a “love” state. While hearts appear around the goat, it will mate with another goat nearby. A baby goat will after the goats mate!
You can increase baby goat growth rate by +10% by feeding them wheat. For best result, build a small pen to put the goats inside. Just beware, goats can jump very high! So they’re tricky to keep locked in place unless you put a roof over their heads.
What Are Goats Used For?
Goats have two major uses — aside from being cute.
- Get Milk by using an Empty Bucket on a goat.
- When a Goat rams a solid stone block, it will drop a Goat Horn.
- Goat Horns are instruments you can use to sound a raid horn.
Goats can only drop two Goat Horns total each.
Where To Find Screaming Goats
Screaming Goats are rare variants that make screaming sound effects, and they’re much more likely to ram the player or anything else in the environment. Screaming Goats are currently bugged, so they will never spawn from non-screaming goats.
- Screaming Goats have a 2% chance of spawning in their natural biome.
- When the bug is fixed, Screaming Goats will have a 2% chance of spawning after two non-screaming goats breed.
Goats only rarely spawn in Extreme Hills, and even then not very frequently. When Part 2 of the update releases in December, goats will exclusively spawn in the Snowy Slopes sub-biome. By then, the spawning bug should be fixed and you’ll be able to bread normal goats into screaming goats — 1/50 ain’t too bad!