The battle royale genre blew up in popularity the past few years. There are so many video games being released into the market regularly, but we have a few video games we recommend checking out if you’re playing on the PlayStation 4. From wacky battle royale games like Fall Guys to the worldwide popular hit Fortnite, here are some of the very best battle royale games that are available today. With that said, don’t put too much focus on the ranking here, most of these games are free-to-play so you might be able to dive into these games right now without having to fetch over a single cent.
#10 Z1 Battle Royale

Platform : PC, PS4
Release Date : PC February 28, 2018 / PS4 August 7, 2018
Genre : Battle royale
Z1 was formerly known as H1Z1, but this is a battle royale video game that came out through the Steam early access program back in 2015 so this is a game that’s been around for a few years now. It’s had a bit of a rocky development process but currently, the goal has been bringing the game to resemble an early build which may help bring back some of its past glory. That means there’s been a change to the gameplay which is restoring different aspects of the title such as gun and vehicle mechanics, lighting, along with adding some unique attributes to the game as well whether it’s a ranked playlist or new rewards. With that said, you might want to give this title some time to get back into the swing of things, but it’s a free-to-play title so you don’t have to pay anything to give this game a chance.
#9 Battlefield V Firestorm

Platform : PS4, PC, Xbox One
Release Date : November 20, 2018
Genre : First-person shooter, battle royale
While Call of Duty brought out a standalone battle royale game mode for players to enjoy, those that have Battlefield V could partake in the Firestorm game mode. This is a battle royale game mode that features just over sixty players on a large map. From there it’s a battle to be the last player or squad standing. Of course, to do that you’ll need to acquire gear that is available through finding items or completing objectives that reward players with loot. It’s everything you would expect from a Battlefield battle royale game mode with vehicles, squads of players, and plenty of destruction. The unfortunate part about this battle royale is that it’s not free-to-play. You’ll need the Battlefield V video game title which may find its community dwindling later this year after the release of the next mainline Battlefield installment. Of course, with that, there are rumors of a new battle royale game mode or standalone title for players to participate in.
#8 Spellbreak

Platform : PS4, PC, Xbox One, NS
Release Date : September 3, 2020
Genre : Battle royale
Spellbreak is a bit of a different kind of battle royale game. This title has a focus on spells rather than guns. Using magical spells players will be using different elements such as wind, fire, ice, and lightning just to name a few. There’s also the ability to carry what’s called a Rune in the video game which further gives them a unique ability such as flight or invisibility. With that said, this is not strictly a battle royale game as it does feature some other game modes added into the mix such as Dominion which is a game mode where players venture out to control different points on the map. With all that said, it’s a different kind of battle royale game if you’re a bit done with the heavy use of guns to take out opponents.

Platform : PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, XSX|S
Release Date : December 12, 2019
Genre : First-person shooter, third-person shooter, battle royale
CRSED FOAD is a bit of a wacky battle royale game that aims to be a competitive shooter for players to enjoy. Originally dubbed Cuisine Royale, the title was eventually rebranded to CRSED FOAD or under its full name, Cuisine Royale Second Edition: Fulfillment of All Desires. It’s quite the lengthy name, but this game may be a bit unique for a player to try out. The title doesn’t start players out in a helicopter or any makeshift flying machine but instead teleports players to random areas of the in-game world. It’s there that players begin their search for more gear and content to pick up. There’s a wide range of weapons here, but what makes this game a bit different is the supernatural powers that are added into the mix. Players can use supernatural abilities that give players a chance to either summon a zombie or become a beast. It’s a bit of an oddball but if you’re tired of the same-style of battle royale gameplay experience then you might find some enjoyment here.
#6 Realm Royale

Platform : PC, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, macOS
Release Date : June 5, 2018
Genre : Shooter, Battle Royale
Realm Royale is a game that got started after the release of Paladins: Battlegrounds which is a title that often gets recommended for a free alternative to Overwatch. Within the game, players are working either with a squad of players or solo. After dropping down onto an open world that shrinks down in size over a period, players are out scavenging for items whether it’s better weapons or material that can be used to craft gear at one of the forges from the map. From there, it’s a battle to gun down anyone you pass in hopes of becoming the last team or player standing. Depending on the character class you select, different useful abilities can be acquired during the gameplay along with a starter ability right away. For instance, a hunter can quickly roll, a mage being able to fly for a duration of time, or an assassin being able to teleport a short distance. Meanwhile, if you are gunned down then you’re transformed into a chicken with very limited attack power. If you manage to not get gunned down while in this chicken form then you’re given a second chance at returning to your normal character.
#5 PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds

Platform : PC, Android, iOS, Xbox One, PS4, Stadia
Release Date : December 7, 2018
Genre : Battle royale
PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds or better known as PUBG released in 2017. This is one of the games that got the battle royale genre going. That’s not to say there weren’t earlier games available or mods for other titles, but PUBG was one of the standalone releases that brought other developers to release similar titles. As a result, this game might be a bit bare bones compared to other battle royales that are available in the marketplace today. Nothing will take you by many surprises here as again, you drop down into an open-world in either a solo match or with a squad of players. It’s here that you gather up useful loot and gear to give yourself an advantage before attempting to take out the opposing players. Over some time, the game map will shrink down in size forcing the players to get a bit closer together. Depending on how well you do there is in-game currency won which gives players content to buy in-game. This is a game also readily available across multiple platforms now with even smartphone applications being an option. Now it might be more of a relic to the battle royale genre to the other video games that have swarmed the marketplace, but you can’t deny the fact this title was one of the first to make an impact.
#4 Fortnite Battle Royale

Platform : PC, macOS, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, iOS, Nintendo Switch, Android
Release Date : September 26, 2017
Genre : Third-person shooter, battle royale
Epic Games has been around for ages. This company has delivered some pretty big hits for the industry whether it’s the Unreal Engine, their line of video games to the Epic Games Store digital marketplace, this is a jack-of-all-trades kind of studio. When it comes to video games, we’ve seen the likes of the Unreal Tournament, Gears of War, but more importantly for this list, Fortnite Battle Royale. The game took the world by storm and everyone was playing this title over the years. It’s blown up in popularity with kids to adults as players dropped down into the world and attempt to be the last man standing. Its success leads to quite a few other video game titles being developed to catch the battle royale wave and years later, this game is still one of the most popular battle royale games available.
Just like with other battle royale games, Fortnite follows a setup where players either solo or in squads, land in an open world with distinct-looking terrains and structures. From there it’s a battle to get better resources and gear. Meanwhile, there’s a building element to this game where players can build up platforms and walls, either as a means of defense or to use as a way to reach new heights. It’s worth mentioning that there are plenty of changes made to the map and characters thanks to the line of crossover events that happen. There are even events held within the game such as concerts, announcements, to even movies for players to join together to experience.
#3 Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout

Platform : PS4, PC, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch
Release Date : August 5, 2020
Genre : Battle royale, platform
During the constant barrage of FPS battle royale games, it was a bit of a welcomed surprise during the reveal and release of Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout. This is a video game that tosses in a battle royale mechanic of being the last player standing, but rather than gunning opponents down in a big open-world map, this battle royale adds a cutesy game show-type vibe. A total of sixty players take the role of a bean-like humanoid who is forced to go through a series of minigames. These minigames will either put players into a makeshift team or an obstacle course, but ultimately only a selection of players are allowed to progress. It becomes a wacky competitive game with players striving to reach the end of the game while winning the grand prize, a crown.
This is one of those types of games that is super easy to understand but near impossible to master. Fortunately, the developers behind the game are working on more content for players to enjoy. Since the launch of Fall Guys, the developers have added in different themed seasons which can be based around a season like winter, a neon-filled future, or a medieval dynasty. Likewise, there is a slew of gear rewarded to the player or available to purchase with in-game currency which further tweaks the design of the character, making you stand out in the slew of other players.
#2 Call of Duty Warzone

Platform : PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
Release Date : March 10, 2020
Genre : Battle royale, first-person shooter
Call of Duty is a massively popular FPS series that’s been around for years. It was during the launch of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare that rumors spread of an upcoming battle royale game mode being added in. These were just rumors but it had players interested, not only did this rumor prove to be real but what surprised fans was the fact that this was a free-to-play battle royale game mode that could be enjoyed as a standalone experience. Players didn’t need to purchase Call of Duty: Modern Warfare to get their hands on the multiplayer mode and it was released on multiple platforms with cross-platform play. Ultimately, players could enjoy this game with the added benefit of cross-platform progression through PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S platforms.
Overall, the gameplay is very much just like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare so there wasn’t anything drastically changed up. Players could still tweak their loadouts and characters while the game offered a few different modes. For instance, there are modes for squads or if a player just wishes to drop into a free-for-all match. Just like with other battle royale games, the player will drop down into an open world where they’ll gather up supplies and gear while taking out opposing players. Meanwhile, the map will shrink down in size and if you’re not able to get out from the area quick enough on foot then there are multiple vehicles available to use. An interesting aspect that made things a bit different here compared to some of the other battle royale games is the Gulag. If players are killed early on into the match then they will be sent to the Gulag, an arena where you’ll wait your turn to go into a one-on-one battle. Surviving the Gulag will allow the player to once again drop into the map but with bare minimum gear making it an uphill battle.
#1 Apex Legends

Platform : PC, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS Android
Release Date : February 4, 2019
Genre : Battle royale, first-person shooter
Apex Legends comes from development studio Respawn Entertainment, these are the folks behind Titanfall and at the time of this game’s development, most everyone just assumed that Respawn Entertainment was working on Titanfall 3. That wasn’t the case as they were secretly working on a brand new battle royale game, which is not surprising. The battle royale genre is popping off and as they unveiled their project it was not only revealed to be free-to-play but available for players to pick up. Ultimately, this was a mega-hit and currently is one of the more popular battle royale games players can enjoy right now.
Played in squads, the game doesn’t differ too much in the theory of what to expect. You drop down in a big open-world with teammates, gather up useful items and gear while gunning down other groups as the map slowly shrinks. The big change-up to this game was the fact that this is a hero shooter. This means that there are plenty of characters picked from with each having its unique ability. As a result, there’s a bit of strategy to ensure your team has a good build that can handle other groups of players. Currently, Apex Legends is still heavily supported with more content likely inbound. Although one area that players have expressed interest in despite the studio making official is a solos mode. Perhaps down the road, we’ll get that solo mode option to put everyone in a game as a free-for-all, but for now, this is a solid game to play with friends today.