Best | Twisted Horrorshow (WWE 2K20)
Depending on your love of wrestling, this entry might belong on your personal ‘Worst’ list. It definitely pissed off a lot of players — WWE 2K20 is the buggiest game in a long-running series known for its bugs. The game is so broken and busted, Sony offered players refunds. It’s a janky mess from top-to-bottom, and I can’t get enough of the surreal animations — the custom character face-melting, the random animation glitches, or just the blatant brokenness of everything here. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen a game that’s this patently unfinished.
Just watch the video above for a taste of the bizarre glitches here. Character faces disappear, wrestlers move and contort in ways nobody could imagine, costumes change randomly, and physics lose all connection to reality. Perform certain moves from certain spots, and your character might float in the sky, or sink under the surface of the ring. What makes WWE 2K20 special is just how buggy it is. There’s no end to the weirdness here. It doesn’t make a good game, but it does make fun viewing.

Worst | Applying Shaders Just Doesn’t Work (Destiny 2)
Destiny 2 players have been plagued by this annoying glitch for a very long time — and it’s finally been fixed in 2019. It’s all about the worst aspect of the game; the premium store on the tower. That’s where you’ll get the majority of those customization options like shaders, and ornaments. The bug is a simple in — instead of completing when you attempt to “apply” these one-time-use shaders, the progress bar will stop at 98%. Back out, and you’ll lose the shader permanently.
Let me remind you, these are items from the premium store. That can cost you real money to earn. This annoying progress bar bug stuck with some players for years — literally — making it impossible to enjoy any of the further weapon customization or armor customization in the game. That’s a pretty dang obnoxious bug, and the infrequency of it only make the bug that much more heartbreaking whenever it happened.
Get the rest of our best & worst glitches of 2019 on the next page.