Final Fantasy XIII-2 domain registered
Final Fantasy XIII-2 domain is registered by a company that has registered domains for Square Enix in the past.
Final Fantasy XIII-2 domain is registered by a company that has registered domains for Square Enix in the past.
MotorStorm: Apocalypse releasing April 12, 2011 exclusively on the Playstation 3
Shift 2 Unleashed releases March 29, 2011 in the US on Xbox , PC and the PS3
Sony issues restraining order against PS3 hackers.
Blizzard adds a new league for the top StarCraft class called Master.
Team Ninja boss says turning off the 3D will improved Dead or Alive's framerate.
John Riccitiello of EA says something stupid.
The Bulletstorm system requirements have been released.
Gray Matter finally coming to North American shores this February.
Activison puts content on sale until January 17th on XBLA.
DC Universe Online fact sheet details the MMORPG for those who'd like to know what the game is all about
The list of those who will have exhibts at E3 will be revealed.
Interplay calls Betheda's calim on Fallout MMO 'absurd.'
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Next week the Rock Band 3 store gets six tracks from across Linkin Park's career.
The DLC 'The Exiled Prince' has been announced for Dragon Age II.