Brand New Portal 2 Coop Screenshots
Valve outs eight new Portal 2 coop screenshots
L.A. Noire releasing May 17, 2011(US) on the Xbox 360 and PS3
This is a pretty good Half-Life 2 inspired live action short movie.
New Multiplayer gameplay trailer for Crytek's upcoming sequel, Crysis 2
Duke Nukem Forever gets brand new gameplay trailer and a release date, May 3, 2011
There is a satisfactory resolution to the World of Starcraft fiasco.
Steam offering a double discount on the original Deead Space with a preorder of Dead Space 2.
Duke Nukem: Forever gets a release date from Gearbox.
Treyarch releases a patch for Call of Duty: Black Ops on Steam.
The first person shooter has been around for over thirty years, and YouTube user Oglib has created a video to celebrate the genre. It's well worth watching.
The rumors of Frontier's The Outsider's demise have been apparantly exaggerated.
A report says that Infinity Ward will be getting help from 2 other studios regarding Modern Warfare 3.
The Final Fantasy XIII-2 trailer has been released in English.
Bethesda community manager confirms mod support for Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
Access Exclusive In-Game Content by Pre-Ordering Through Best Buy and GameStop
Microsoft is looking to get Geohot to help them get on top of the mobile phone app market.
Some copies of Killzone 3 will have beta does for SOCOM 4 multiplayer.
Activions failed to find a buyer for studio Bizarre Creations and is set to close them down.
Nintendo releases a hardware trailer for 3DS, launching March 27, 2011 in the US
GOG brings Zork and Police Quest to their service.
Activision sues the World of StarCraft modders for being too good?
Glasses-Free 3D Handheld Gaming coming March 27, 2011 for $249.99
Launch Trailer for XBLA and PSN action coop title, Spare Parts