‘Three Times Bigger in Scope’ Missions to be Included in Borderlands 2
Gearbox Software has said the mission scope for Borderlands 2 will be three times bigger than its predecessor.
Gearbox Software has said the mission scope for Borderlands 2 will be three times bigger than its predecessor.
Heavy Iron Studios are not big fans of Sony's PS Vita.
Borderlands 2 teaser trailer shows new environments and Salvador dual wielding MGs.
Valve finally releases debut trailer for its upcoming action RTS, DotA 2.
A new trailer of Street Fighter X Tekken shows off four new characters: Hugo, Ibuki, Raven and Kuma.
Grasshopper Manufacture has released their first ever trailer of Lollipop Chainsaw. The game is touted as a zombie hunter slasher starring a cheerleader as its main character.
What once was to be Imperium Galactica III was canceled and then returned as Nexus: The Jupiter Incident. Seven years old at this point, but it's got a new mod!
Warner's released a trailer for Batman: Arkham City showcasing Mr. Freeze.
3D support for Rocksteady Studio's Batman: Arkham City has been confirmed.
Zavvi has gained the exclusive rights to the Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection.
Irrational Games' Ken Levine has given his stance on villain design.
The units shipped figure for Mortal Kombat has been revealed.
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri may see revival by Electronic Arts.
Hello Games has not yet revealed which platforms the game will be developed on at this point in time, but it wouldn't be too surprising if they went with Steam with the healthy state of the PC gaming industry.
Counter Strike: Global to hit Xbox Live, PSN and PC/Mac in 2012 with featuring new maps, characters and weapons.
Some single player content will be locked for gamers who decide to purchase a used copy of the game.
This epic Ace Combat: Assault Horizon trailer shows that cities tend to suffer egregious damage when these flyboys come to town.
Metal Gear and Metal Gear: Solid Snake 2 will be included in the HD Collection taking the tally of games to FIVE.
Robert Bowling's delivered his thoughts on what he believes sells Modern Warfare 3.
Ridge Racer: Unbounded is coming to add an unexpected dimension to the series.
A patch for The Witcher 2 has been released, fixing a whole host of issues.