Yoshi’s New Island Gameplay Shows A Return To Form
Check out these five minutes of gameplay, which sticks to one screen.
Check out these five minutes of gameplay, which sticks to one screen.
Sega running promotions for the game on History Channel, The Guardian.
Game developer tool will no longer be numbered moving forward.
Pikmin 3 now at 181,190 units sold.
Event will also host playable demos of games, including Retro City Rampage for 3DS.
Fans can also expect to get a host of content well in advance of everyone else, at launch.
Twin stick shooter will offer Cross Save, local multiplayer across Sony's consoles.
Game will be available as an add-on to PC original and a standalone game on console.
Information accessed includes transaction records.
Trailer reveals how boss battles may play out.
Players can also share items with each other via Miiverse.
Game will use first person perspective, aims for $ 200,000.
Overwhelming popularity a sign that consumers still love to buy retail.
You can still play online if you log in before maintenance begins.
Maximum tier equivalent to a full fighting game release.
Origin Great Game Guarantee to be rolled out slowly across different regions.
Event celebrates 17 years of Pokemon, ends video with a mysterious clip.
Upgrades include weapons, Jackdaw upgrades, and animal hides.
Insane mod creates suspicious, unpredicable game world with shenanigans aplenty.
Unit uses flash based drive, retails for only $ 199.
Could the game be coming to next generation consoles?
DICE also details more multiplayer-related changes.
Latest blog posts also reveal new info about Wonderful Mart, enemies.