Vampyr Is Dontnod’s Latest Game, To Be Published By Focus Home Interactive
The game has been revealed even though Life Is Strange has yet to see release.
The game has been revealed even though Life Is Strange has yet to see release.
This series of tweets tells the story of a hacker discovering the zombie outbreak - and the program that begat it.
A fan posits the increase in activity can simply be attributed to a recent holiday weekend.
We run down the small bits shared in the new trailer below.
The patch makes it so that you no longer experience long stretches of silence due to the game's randomness algorithm.
Nintendo will reveal a new customer loyalty program in the near future.
Sid touts planned connectivity between Starships and Civilization Beyond Earth.
This statue is almost like Blizzard acknowledging that their loyal players are on the same level as their own employees
We feature a new Q&A video from CabooseXBL.
If you play the game on console, you will need to be online, and possibly change parental restrictions.
The next RTS from the folks behind the Command and Conquer games has an impressive story behind it.
The online version of the game is still coming to all regions worldwide in January 27.
Naughty Dog claims the game is the prettiest this generation of consoles has made so far.
Evolution is working on private lobbies and other online components that will allow them to launch the PS Plus Version.
We have a YouTuber who believes Bethesda won't be able to run around this any longer.
Although it’s figured prominently in teaser trailers, you will not be able to drive the car in the demo.
Ultimately, the decision to add paid airdrops came after people thought the game would not be pay to win, but it would make the game better.
SOE seems preoccupied with launching the game and addressing login issues, and have not addressed the issue in spite of angry complaints.
This time, you get to play the Imperial Navy, facing off against Abaddon the Despoiler's Black Crusade.
The game may have a scene uncomfortably reminiscent of recent events.
Dennaton was fully aware of the controversy the scene could generate as early as 2013.
The game's devs will either have to change the game's content or find a platform that will host their game, since Steam isn't it.
All the releases are getting delayed by one week.
Scalpers have priced the consoles at $ 400 - $ 500, but Nintendo may have an ace in the hole against them yet.