Could Remote Play be available for Team ICO's first game, ICO, soon? If Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida's tweeted image is to be believed, why yes it is!
Yoshida tweeted an image of ICO being played on a PlayStation Vita. Mind you, this isn't a PS Vita port of the game, but rather the PS3 version played via the PS Vita's Remote Play functionality.
Here's the image Yoshida shared over on Twitter (courtesy of Andriasang):
Yoshida revealed that he has been testing the HD remake of ICO on Vita and a Remote Play patch is almost ready. Of course, we still don't know if this also applies to Team ICO's other game that's bundled with ICO — Shadow of the Colossus.
Hopefully, this Remote Play patch will be available for both, no? I imagine the PS Vita needs all the help it can get at this point and having two of the PS2's most beloved games available on it would surely help.
Would added Remote Play for various PS3 games entice you to buy a PS Vita? If so, what games would you want to have this feature implemented next?