If you're a fan of Mercury Steam's interpretation of Castlevania and you have a 3DS, you owe it to yourself to watch this video of Lords of Shadow spin-off — Mirror of Fate.
The video shows the game actually being played on a 3DS, so the resolution isn't that great but we do get to see actual gameplay being played by someone who seems to know how to actually play it.
If you're not familiar with Mirror of Fate, it's a side-story of Lords of Shadow protagonist Gabriel and it's in 2D. However, aside from it being 2D most of Gabriel's combos, moves and whatnot are the same as his 3D counterpart.
One thing I noticed in the video was the enemies seem to take a ton of hits tp put down. While that might be fun when dishing out combos, I can also see it getting old very quick — especially if most of the enemies take this long to put down.
Of course, the game's not due out for quite some time and this isn't final footage, so things could change. So sit back and watch the footage in the meantime.