Cliff Bleszinksi, design director for Epic's Gears of War franchise, thinks the Kinect hasn't lived up to its potential. Not only that, but CliffyB admits that Microsoft's motion-controller won't be integrated in their upcoming Gears of War: Judgment.
Speaking to Gamestm, Bleszinksi was asked if any of part of the now-cancelled Kinect Gears game — Gears of War: Exile — made its way into Judgment.
There are not a lot of things that wound up in there. There’s one thing actually that you just reminded me of though, is that we are not supporting Kinect in Gears Judgment. I like Kinect, I’ve been a fan of it, but I don’t think it has been fully realised as far as the potential of the device.
Bleszinksi also adds that while Dance Centrail 3 looks great with Kinect, he's still curious as to how core games will work out with the device.
While this news might sadden a few people, I'm just glad they did this rather than tact Kinect support in. I mean, do you really want to shout at Baird or Cole to take out X Locust repeatedly?
Of course, the fact that Epic cancelled their "core" Gears of War Kinect game does not bode well for Microsoft's motion-controller. If they can't make a good core game for it, who can?
Would you want to see Kinect support in Gears of War: Judgment? More importantly, do you want Kinect support in your core games?