Overwatch has been a pretty popular MMO video game and with its diverse cast of characters, the game easily accommodates to practically all play styles. However, one gamer found that certain characters are able to glitch through the level Nepal and you can see how to do it yourself within the video posted above.
The interesting thing about the Nepal level is that it’s broken up in sections, but the entire level is completely loaded. This is when Hulkman503 posted a video showing that through the use of select characters, a gamer can glitch throughout the entire map easily.
While this doesn’t have much use, there are health packs loaded around the various areas, though you can’t interact with the Control Points. Also, the Symmetra Ultimate could teleport the entire team down to the starting base which might make for an interesting match.
Again, the glitch doesn’t provide much of a use other than freely exploring the general area of the Nepal level, but give it a try yourself before it quickly becomes patched from Blizzard.