Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Warzone were slated for a host of big updates heading into season 2. This is still going to be the case for Black Ops 6. However, Warzone updates are going to be delayed to make room for more fundamental improvements to the gameplay experience. As a result, Activision and Treyarch have announced that they’re going to delay the release of new content.
As first spotted by the folks over at VGC. The Call of Duty Blog shared an update roadmap for both Call of Duty Warzone and Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. You can find more information on the Black Ops 6 road map here.
While Season 2 is just around the corner for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. The developers have announced that the release of new content for Call of Duty: Warzone has been delayed. This is to shift the focus of coming updates to improving the game and fixing foundational issues that players are currently experiencing.
Warzone updates:
As per a statement of the Call of Duty Blog, future Warzone updates will focus on the following:
- Gameplay tuning and refinement
- Weapon improvements – improved reload speeds, weapons swap speeds, adjusted bullet penetration, and more.
- Movement improvements – jump heights increased, increased player velocity when cutting a parachute and landing.
- Audio – reduced reverberation to improve directional audio.
- Perks – added new perks, replaced other perks and refined perk effects.
- Equipment & Killstreaks – The effects of various equipment and killstreaks will be refined.
- Miscellaneous updates to body shield functionality, flare behaviour and match stat tracker’s font.
- The team will also be addressing existing bugs.
While some Warzone fans might be disappointed that they aren’t going to be getting new content. These quality-of-life improvements ensure a better experience. Additionally, the development team noted that updates and improvements would be made steadily and not released all at once.
If you would like to read the full Call of Duty: Warzone update notes you can find them here. A previous update to Warzone broke ranked play, click here to find out more.