Timing is everything in our world, even if we don’t realize it. Yes, it’s a pain in the butt to wait for the “right moment to happen” and for something you want to finally go down, but timing can be the difference between making a splash or making a painful memory. For those who have been waiting oh so patiently for the arrival of The Elder Scrolls 6 or anything information-wise attached to it, the pain of the E3 2018 teaser for the game is fresh in your mind. That was the day when Todd Howard took the stage, showed a brief environment teaser, and promised the game was coming.
It’s been almost seven years since that moment, and we haven’t learned a single thing about the game, its location, all you can do in it, and more, and fans are getting really tired of waiting. This isn’t about “timing is everything” anymore; it’s more like, “It’s about time we heard something about this game you promised us!”
Oh, but the knife is getting twisted in ever further because IGN looked up a certain title set within Skyrim in that universe and realized that, as of today, the teaser announcement is now one day older than the 5th entry was when they showed off that video at E3. That’s right; the teaser is so old that it actually eclipses the age of the fifth game from that point in time. That’s how long people have been waiting.
To be fair to Bethesda, this wasn’t entirely their fault. The company has been making other games, was eventually bought by Microsoft, and was trying to make a new IP that would surpass what they had done with the IPs they had bought. Obviously, they didn’t fulfill that hope, but that’s neither here nor there. Todd Howard himself admitted that they only dropped the teaser to help ease the minds of fans. While they did that in the short term, the long-term comeuppance has been large.
Sadly, things don’t end there. While Bethesda has admitted that full game development of The Elder Scrolls 6 is happening right now, that doesn’t give us any indication as to WHEN we’ll be seeing the game or even playing the game.
Not to mention, based on what happened with the company’s last game, which had a far more expansive team than Skyrim, one has to wonder if Bethesda will just “play it safe” to avoid another blunder or truly try to make an entry that fans can be proud of.