GTA 6 was rumored for a while to be released in late 2024, around the fall, but that quickly changed after the video game’s trailer was released, letting everyone know it wouldn’t come out until 2025. With this being such a highly anticipated game, everyone is waiting excitedly to know exactly what time the game will be released next year.
A leaked report was recently shared online via a Twitter post stating that GTA 6 is believed to be released in the first quarter of 2025, which could mean January or February of that year. While this is a leaked post and not always are leaked post correct, this could have some truth to it.
It is also worth noting that this leak comes straight from an insider who also leaked some contents of the GTA 6 trailer Rockstar first released. With all of that being said, it is known that GTA 6 has been close to the final stages of development. While GTA 5 was released around the holidays, it seems its next game might take a different approach.
Not many games are released in January or February, making them slower months for gamers, so to see such a big title release it will be exciting if this actually comes to pass. However, this leak isn’t official information, so it can’t be promised whether or not early 2025 will end up being the release of GTA 6, but we can all hope so.