Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, marked as the fourth and final installment to the Uncharted series featuring Nathan Drake, is set to release starting on April 26, 2016. Developers Naughty Dog has recently showcased what gamers can get if they decide to pre-order the title through two YouTube video uploaded from the Nordic PlayStation YouTube channel. Each video is meant to showcase the pre-order bonuses though it differs between a normal pre-order through the PlayStation Network and a pre-order through video game retailer GameStop. Take a look at both pre-order trailers of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End below.
As mentioned, the videos showcase the same gameplay footage through at the end they differ between the various pre-order bonuses. For those who pre-order the upcoming Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End through the PlayStation Network, gamers will unlock a desert weapon skin, naughty dog points, along with the desert Drake multiplayer outfit.
Through GameStop, gamers are treated to a slightly different pre-order bonus. While gamers will still get Naughty Dog points, the desert weapon skin is tossed out for a golden weapon skin and the outfit for Nathan Drake has also changed from the desert Drake outfit for a Drake’s Fortunate multiplayer outfit. With that said, we’re curious, are you going to pre-order the game? Let us know in the comment section below.
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End takes place years after the events of Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception where Nathan Drake has finally retired from searching for hidden treasure. However, Drake finds himself coming out of retirement to help his long believed deceased brother Sam. Developers Naughty Dog promises gamers that this will be Nathan Drake’s greatest adventure yet and will test his limits, both physically and mentally.
Furthermore, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End was under the spotlight earlier this month. The controversy started to emerge when it was discovered that voice actress Laura Bailey would be portraying a person of color. This caused Naughty Dog director Neil Druckmann to comment on the matter along with voice actress Laura Bailer explaining to gamers how she didn’t know her character was another ethnicity until after she got the role and production started.