Media Molecule is taking a big step with the sequel to its critically acclaimed side scrolling platformer, LittleBigPlanet. According to the first set of details(via Neogaf) which will be available in the June issue of gameinformer magazine, Little Big Planet 2 will be less of a platformer and more of a platform for creating games with intuitive and easy controls.

+ The game will provide players with the right set of tools for creating shooters, a racer, puzzle games, Space Invaders clones, even RPGs.
+ You are no longer limited to the game’s stock sound effects. You can record your own sounds and voices, attaching them to characters or objects. Magic Mouth from the original LBP is gone
+ Creators can choose the weak points on the Sackbot, determine if it is scared of heights, and even program acting routines.
+ There are now movie editing options as well.
+ Sackbots can be drastically increased or decreased in physical size.
+ All DLC from LBP1 transfers over to LBP2. Including downloaded content packs, costumes, etc.
+ There is a major overhaul to the story level as well. There’s the same 3-plane perspective for the story mode and the levels so far have a similar run-jump-grab platform style.
+ Storyline is not country-based like last time, but is based in periods of time
It has also been revealed that the game is set for a 2010 release exclusively on the PS3, probably more details will be revealed at E3.