One Punch Man is one of the best new original anime series currently around. You should watch it for yourself on Hulu if you haven’t already.
In One Punch Man, the show’s protagonist Saitama is a superhero who has superhuman abilities that allow him to dodge every attack and defeat the most powerful opponents. His only shortcoming is that no one knows who he is, even though he seeks to be recognized for his heroism. The bald superhero runs around in a yellow suit and wears a white cape.
Fallout 4 modders who are fans of the show have created a mod for the game in tribute to the character. Modders previously made Buzz Lightyear armor and have set up gigantic battles between some of the game’s most powerful characters.
The mod allows you to look just like Saitama and kill every enemy in the game in a single hit.
You can check out the mod for yourself on the Nexus Mods website.