Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is set to be the latest installment in what fans know as the Xeno franchise of games. These titles are all Japanese RPGs that have managed to find themselves to be among the most popular in the genre. Players take on the role of a protagonist who is destined to save the world or resolve some kind of worldly matter using the power of weaponry and the people in their lives. These games have a history that dates back all the way to the original PlayStation over several different games.
So, will you be able to enjoy a multiplayer or online co-op mode with your friends?
Will There Be Online Co-Op in Xenoblade Chronicles 3?
Unfortunately, this game will be exclusively offline single-player. What we don’t know, however, is if there will be any features that will ask players to go online or use their Nintendo Switch Online service in any way. Realistically, the story doesn’t make much room for any sort of online or multiplayer elements but there could always be some sort of surprise on the way. For all we know, this is the title that launches some sort of online trading system that would technically have players interacting and playing with one another. But, nothing of that sort has been announced or talked about.
Like everyone else, we’re excited about this revelation and can’t wait to play Xenoblade Chronicles 3 this coming summer on the Nintendo Switch.