Shinen has just confirmed that Fast Racing Neo will be releasing exclusively for the Wii U this year.
The future is FAST
— Shin'en Multimedia (@ShinenGames) June 3, 2015
Fast Racing Neo is the sequel to Fast Racing League, a futuristic racer in the vein ofF-Zero andWipeout, originally released as WiiWare. Shinen is known for being very good at mastering Nintendo hardware, and with the Wii U, they have impressed fans with Art of Balance and Nano Assault Neo. Although they are a smaller developer, they have managed to pull off graphics that match up with those found in AAA games on the system. With this in mind, Shinen has demonstrated 720p, 60FPS gameplay for Fast Racing Neo as far back as 2013.
Fast Racing Neo has been in development since 2012, and to be truthful, the Wii U has suffered a drought of racing games in the interim. Given the doubtful status of future racers likeProject CARS, Fast Racing Neo is set to meet a pent up demand from Wii U owners, including Shinen’s own longtime fans.
Hopefully, the long wait was not just to improve Fast Racing Neo’s visuals, but to scale the game up from its original WiiWare incarnation. It's certainly been longer than even the average AAA production.
Are you looking forward to Fast Racing Neo? Share your thoughts with us in the comments. You can see some more images below.