Frontier Developments has released Update 1.1 for Elite: Dangerous, the game's first major enhancement.
Among the key features are new Community Goals and graphical tweaks. In relation to the former, Frontier says:
"Community Goals unite players with a shared objective, allowing the entire Elite: Dangerous community to participate in major new story events, supplying the construction of new capital ships and working together to reshape the boundaries of human-controlled space. Players will collaborate to help build new starports in undeveloped systems, giving all players a new launch pad for exploration of the galaxy."
Another feature of the update is the fact that star systems, planets, and other celestial bodies will now display the name of the first player to scan them. The change will apply retroactively to the to the 895,135 systems which players have discovered since the game's launch. Frontier says this represents just 0.000223 per cent of our Milky Way galaxy.
1.1 also extends route planning to 1,000 light yeats and adds city lights to the dark side of planets as well as cloudy atmoshpheres on gas giants.
Frontier says Update 1.2, set for launch next month, will focus on multiplayer and offer new ways for people to play together.