Evolution Studios has posted on the official Driveclub Facebook page that server upgrades and more improvements are on the way for the game's online systems.
First off, in the next 24 hours they are implementing huge improvements to the servers themselves. They will also be using this time to run diagnostics. Aside from improving online performance overall, there will be changes to how the leaderboards and multiplayer works.
Improvements will continue to come in on Sunday and Monday, but Evolution is frank about how it will take more time before they can report substantial improvements in the game's online play again.
Evolution Studios famously stated they did not anticipate the game's online issues at launch, which precipitated a delay of the PlayStation Plus version of the game. There is simmering unhappiness in the game's state and the progress of improvements, as you can see in the Facebook comments to their announcement.
Did you get Driveclub, or sign up to PS Plus to get it? How do you feel about the game so far? What improvements do you want Evolution Studios to prioritize? Let us know what you think in the comments.