A browser based online game, Bumrise, touted as one of Europe’s most popular game has launched stateside. Bumrise, from German developer Farbflut Entertainment, as the title of the game suggests, lets players assume the role of a homeless person with a mission to achieve millionaires status.
Although the game received it’s fare share of criticism from organisations such as Red Cross when it was launched in Europe, the homeless people in France were more concerned about the accuracy of the game, François(a French homeless dude), 44, said,
The drunken thief looking for a fight, that’s not me.
But Philippe(another French homeless dude), 50, said,
There is a part of reality [in the game]. It’s the law of the jungle in the street. You have to fight to keep your bit of pavement, your wine bottle, your begging money.
In it’s defence, Farbflut claims that part of the proceeds from the game have been “regularly” donated to homeless organizations which is as good as Rockstar games sending part of their proceeds from GTA to locked up gangsters.
We signed up for the game for our readers sake and this is the message we received to confirm our account
Welcome to Burmise, gameranx!
You can now take part in the adventurous underworld life of New York’s hobos.
Your’re an untalented, illiterate bum living in New York.
But you have a mission: become rich. Learn reading and writing to make
your own little signs to put in front of you, getting people to finally notice you.
Learn how to play guitar and impress people with your riffs and solos or buy yourself a dog for some sympathy points.
Become a pick-pocket and relieve unsuspecting pedestrians of their watches and wallets.
Bumrise can be played through its official website or on facebook where it goes by the name of “Street Rivals”