The Walking Dead Season Two and The Wolf Among Us are among two of the most popular adventure games currently around. There’s good news for anyone who’s yet to play them or wishes to play them on a new-gen console: Telltale Games has announced that both titles are set to release on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 before the end of the year.
The Walking Dead Season Two is set for release in October, and The Wolf Among Us will come out in November, Telltale Games has said.
Both titles, which originally had episodic releases, will be out as a full digital download as well as retail compilations.
Based on the Fables comic book series and set as a prequel to the events that take place in the first chapter, The Wolf Among Us stars Bigby Wolf, a reformed Big Bad Wolf tasked with keeping his fellow immigrants safe from harm. He’s also a bit like a private detective, investigating the crimes that happen among his fellow citizens and solving murders.
The second season of The Walking Dead follows directly after the events of the first season, with the little girl Clementine as its protagonist.
In addition to these two games, The Walking Dead Season One is also slated for release for the PS4 and Xbox One in a retail Game of the Year package that also includes its 400 Days DLC episode.