WildStar’s first major content drop has just gone live, and it comes with a huge patch that’s designed to improve absolutely everything about the game, ranging from class balancing to bug fixes.
First and foremost, if you haven’t been paying attention to our updates for WIldStar, the ultra drop is designed to add two new max-level areas into the game: Blighthaven, and the Northern Wastes. Players will be able to collect mountains of elder gems to further improve their characters while discovering the origins of Drusera, the game’s most enigmatic character. Details about the two new areas can be found here.
In addition to the new Strain-related zones, Carbine has added a ton of Strain-related cosmetic items into the game, so you can deck out your character in Strain-themed cosmetic gear, ride a Strain-themed hoverboard, and even decorate your house with Strain-themed furniture and decor.
Everything from adventures and dungeons to open world quests have been given updates. You can see precisely what’s changed in the game’s lengthy patch notes.