Telltale has announced that Episode 3 of The Walking Dead Season 2, titled “In Harm’s Way” will be release on the PC, Mac and North American PS3 this coming Tuesday, European PS3 and international Xbox 360 on Wednesday, and on iOS on Thursday.
The studio released a new trailer for the episode, which gives a first look at what happens when Clementine’s group is captured by a brutal new leader. Playing as Clem, you must make hard-hitting decisions in order to escape.
You can watch the trailer below for further details, but beware of spoilers. If you haven’t yet played the first two chapters, go do that first or you might have your fun ruined by what’s in store.
Aside from The Walking Dead, Telltale Games is also developing The Wolf Among Us, based on the Fables comic series by Bill Willingham, and Tales from the Borderlands, based on Gearbox Software’s Borderlands series of first person shooters.