Not all launch consoles are going to come off the production line, be shipped to a paying customer’s home, and work like intended. Even the soundest pieces of hardware tend to have a few bugs, and the Xbox One is no different. Some users have been reporting issues with their Xbox One’s right out of the gate and thankfully, Microsoft is giving these paying customers both new consoles and a free game for their troubles.
"While a replacement console is on its way, we want to ensure our advance exchange customers can stay in the game,” reads an official Microsoft statement. “We will provide each of them with a free digital download of one of the launch titles published by Microsoft Studios."
The major flaw in a small percentage of Xbox Ones in the malfunctioning disc drive, so a free downloadable game will still work on “broken” consoles. The games you can choose from include Forza Motorsport 5, Dead Rising 3, Ryse: Son of Rome, and Zoo Tycoon – a pretty strong list of exclusive software. Microsoft is also sending out replacement units before users even box up the broken ones, so if you’re one of the unfortunate few dealing with a next-gen crisis, expect the issue to be resolved in a timely manner.