We’re getting close to the next generation console releases and it shouldn’t come to much surprise that development teams are looking forward to the hardware to come rather than building up software for what is already available. So when Cyberpunk 2077 was confirmed to be a current generation release, there was plenty of excited gamers around the world. However, for those who are gearing up to purchase a PlayStation 5 or the Project Scarlett platform, there may have been some concern as if the development team was going to bring out an enhanced version for the platform.
There has been a lot of talk lately for CD Projekt Red’s upcoming title, Cyberpunk 2077. It doesn’t come to much surprise as we’re just coming off from an E3 expo where the game had another trailer and a release date. However, even though we have ended E3 2019, more news and highlights from the event regarding specific titles are still making their way out into the market. In particular, we’ve seen reports on how Cyberpunk 2077 will have multiple endings and that the development studio was uncertain if there will be a multiplayer component.
Today we’re finding out that the development team is uncertain if there will be an enhanced edition for next generation platforms. This comes from an interview conducted by GamerHubTV who spoke with senior level designer, Miles Tost. Apparently, the studio is completely focused on this generation of platforms for the Cyberpunk 2077 video game and it’s only after that the team may decide to move the game over to the next generation.
There shouldn’t be too much concern as we know that the PlayStation 5 will be backward compatible with the PlayStation 4 line of video games and Project Scarlett will follow the same trend but with backward compatibility across the four console generations of Xbox. At any rate, if you’re interested in picking up a copy of the video game then you can do so on April 16, 2020.
Source: GamerHubTV