CD Projekt Red is best known for their The Witcher series. The three installments grew into a worldwide phenomenon, but since the third installment has closed, gamers have been looking forward to new details regarding the development studio’s next major project, Cyberpunk 2077. Until this year’s E3 expo, very few details have been shared to gamers.
It was only until Microsoft’s E3 press conference that players got a real look into the world of Cyberpunk 2077 and while we didn’t get an official release date attached to the game, most RPG fans are anxiously awaiting the title’s launch date.
We may not get any new gameplay or narrative details regarding the game for some time, but during a GameSpot stage show, CD Projekt Red did unveil one new attribute gamers can expect when Cyberpunk 2077 releases. Unlike The Witcher series, Cyberpunk 2077 will be in a first-person perspective. News got out thanks to the development studio’s Kyle Rowley who also stated that the game is still very much an in-depth RPG experience.
Players should view the game as an RPG with FPS elements rather than a FPS with RPG elements. As a result, we can likely expect RPG customization options and skill leveling. The reasoning behind the first-person perspective was also revealed. Apparently the developers opted to ditch the third-person perspective in order to give gamers a glimpse into the depressing world along with the incredible amount of details that they’ve placed in a way that could only be possible through a first-person perspective.