If you're one of the millions playing Black Ops 2's multiplayer nowadays, chances are you've noticed a few things when it comes to the game. No, I'm not talking about lag compensation or anything of the sort. This time, I'm talking about UAV spam.
In Black Ops 2, the earliest and easiest scorestreak reward is the UAV. Couple that fact in that the "Ghost" perk is tucked away until level 55 (where most people only get to use it for one level before "Prestiging), and well, you can understand why some people are annoyed that there's a UAV every few seconds of each match. Heck, equip Hardline as one of your Perks and you can have a UAV up just by getting three kills or capping a flag in Domination and getting a kill and an assist (if my computations are correct).
Luckily, we're not the only ones who've noticed that as game director David Vonderhaar has gone on Twitter to reveal that the UAV score requirement will be going up in Black Ops 2's next title update, which wasn't specified when it will happen.
Here's his exact tweet:
UAV score requirement is going up in next update, but don't tell anyone I told you.
So if this is the case, what will be the lowest scorestreak reward be? The RC-XD? While I doubt that we'll get to see an RC-XD every few seconds, I shudder to think that UAV spam might be replaced by Hunter Killer drone spam. I mean, there's enough of those flying bastards all over the place as it is. Hopefully, the UAV score hiking won't affect the core game too much and Treyarch finds a way to balance everything out.
But in any case, if the Hunter Killer drone is indeed the next scorestreak spam item, you can check out this post on how to get a surviving chance once you hear that beeping sound coming for you.
Anyone annoyed by how frequent the UAV is now or should Treyarch leave everything as it is? Once the UAV gets its score requirement hiked, which reward do you want to replace it?